Now i can show a card that i made a week ago for my secret friend, she has recieved it and figured out it was me...=)
Nytten voin näyttää yhden kortin jonka tein viikko sitten, se meni salaiselle ystävälleni tammikuulle...
Welcome to my shabby little corner!!I adore the vintage/shabby style..and often have it in my cards & projects... Creating is balsam for my soul...It's the perfect escape for me, after a loooong day with my little rascals... Hope you enjoy your stay!
6 kommentarer:
Visst är House Mouses ursöta och dessa med hjärtagemen är inget undantag!
LOtta/ FruH
this is so cute, love the paper clips
Oh those paper clips are just adorable!!!
Oh, that is so cute! I wonder how she figured out it was you? LOL! Fantastic accents on this card!
Kivan näköinen kortti :)
what a cutie! they are sending clips to each other!! :-)
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