Hur mår ni denna halv soliga men mycket blåsiga dag? Tänkte försöka hinna skriva detta inlägg medans barnen är ute & handlar med stora systern. *Tack Janita & Donja* Så det blir ett kort inlägg, måste hinna städa oxå =)
Tänkte visa en altrad bok jag har gjort till Polka Doodles Där veckans tema är: All about the books!
hade denna bokformade ask som jag målade med min sista cracklepaint. *snyft* Chalkat kanterna, massa med rosor,bling, lite riktig papper på insidan samt blommor & bling där oxå. Tänkte ha den här liggandes hemma..Kan vara en sån bra-att-ha-i-sista-minuten-present! Kika in i deras blog för en massa rolig inspiration!
Eftersom det är Onsdag idag, så finns det en ny utmaning hos The ABC Challenge. Information finns längst ner på engelska!
Good day sweeties!
How are you doing this half sunny but very windy day? i thought i'd try to make this post while my daughters are taking the boys shopping...*Thanks Janita & Donja* So, this will be a short posting today...Have to clean a bit too...
So, today i thought i'd show you an altered book i have made. This is for the Polka Doodles Where this weeks challenges is all about the books! I covered it with my last cracklepaint..chalked the edges, added roses,bling and decos on front. Some real book pages on the inside and a few flowers & bling too... You know me...Love me some sparkle...*LOL*
Go and check out there challenge site! filled with gorgeous DT work!!
Since it's Wednesday, there's a new challenges over at The ABC Challenge.
More info about that lower down!!
Pika postaus nytten... Yritän kirjoittaa tämän sillä aikaa kun isommat tytöt on kaupassa pikku miesten kanssa..*Kiitos janita & Donja*
Niin, ajattelin näyttää teille kirjan jonka olen tehnyt Polka Doodles haasteeseen, aiheena tällä viikolla on Kirjat! Altrasin kirjarasian. maalasin sen viimeisellä cracklepaintilläni, chalkkasin sivut, ruusuja,blingiä ja pikku koriste. Sisällä on aitoa kirja paperia ja hieman kukkia ja blingiä kanssa...Siinäpä se!
Ja nytten kun on keskiviikko niin on myös uusi haaste The ABC Challenge. Siitä tietoa englanniksi alhaalla!
Min bok/ My book/ Minun kirjani
"Welcome to another exciting week of The ABC Challenge. This weeks challenge is being sponsored by Stamp Fairy Be sure to check out the store because there are so many cute whimsy digistamps for all sorts of projects!

The winner will received a $9.00 Gift Certificate to use at!
This weeks Challenge: Q is for Quilting or sewing.Go check out our challenge blog for some awesome inspiration from Team B this week!"

18 kommentarer:
Well, now that is just downright lovely! Wow!
stunnign work xxx
Gaahhh såå himla läckert! Får bjuda hem dig till mig i sista minuten då.. Glöm inte min present! hihihi.. Superfin!!!!!!
kram kram!
Hi, thank you for following me, i'm now following you...TFS!
Your project is amazing.
What a lovely project. Thanks for joining us at Polka Doodles.
Voi yhden kerran, onpa aivan UPEA kirja, siis täydellinen!
Kiitos taas kommentistasi vaatimattomassa blogissani - kalaidea on vapaasti käytettävissä :)
Jokohan on paketti lähtenyt tännepäin....iikkkk....
Vilken fin liten bokask!
Du har verkligen piffat upp den toksnyggt!
Diggar cracklepainten!
SNyggt med så stora sprickor! Det lyckas jag aldrig med..hur mycket jag än kletar på ;)
Ta hand om dej i blåsten!
KRAM Petra
My goodness, this is AMAZING! I love it, Sari!
That is truly a labour of love , very special indeed.
Thanks for joining us over @ Polkadoodles this week. Good luck.
This is just so beautiful, so glad you could join us at Polkadoodles this week and share with us your gorgeous creation. Good luck! Colette xx
Gorgeous book, so sweet and so elegant! Lovely to see your work at Polka Doodles! Thanks for joining us and good luck!
Greetings, Saskia :)
Really gorgeous book Sari. Beautiful embellishments and lovely colours.
Thanks for sharing it with us at Polka Doodles All About Books challenge and good luck.
Wow - this is beautiful! Such lovely soft colours too. Thanks for entering the Polkadoodle Challenge - hope you can join us again next week!
wow! this project is so beautful and delicate. Thanks for joining in the Polkadoodle Challenge
Thanks for playing along at Polka doodles in our all about books challenge! Really like the crackle paint finnish effect.......Cheers Claire x
Amazing!! LOVE your altered projects. You are on fire, my friend!
Breathtakingly good, thanks for taking part in the Polka Doodles challenge
OMG, I can't tell you how gorgeous this is, you are soooo talented, what beautiful work! Thans for joining in our challenge this week,
take care sweetie,
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