Ha en trevlig kväll!
I've belive i have been bitten by some craftbug..*LOL* I just want to create stuff...all the time... Here are 2 cards that i made tonight, one is for sarah kay challenge and the other one is for cute card thursday... Have a great evning!
En tiedä mitä on tapahtunut, mutta mulla hurja himku koko ajan askarrella...no hyvä se, kerääntyy ainakin kortteja! =) Tänä iltana tein 2 haastetta, toinen on sarah kay ja toinen cute card thursday. Oikein mukavaa illan viettoa!
Sarah Kay

Cute card Thursday Bows & Buttons

12 kommentarer:
2 gorgeous cards, I love the cute images and Tilda's crown is so sweet. Thanks for joining in the CCT challenge
These are both beautiful cards. I love the beads under the bows and your Sarah Kay image is georgeous.
aww gorgeous card Sari, love them both and thanks so much for taking to time to leave me lovely comments on my cards it means so much to me Hugs Jill x
Oh, they are both just so cute!
kummatkin kortit ovat niin söpöjä!
Ihanat kortit, niin ihanan tyttömäiset :)
heräsin jo 3 yöllä mut kun ei nukuttanu! joten on ollu aikaa askarrella ja surfata netissä nyt lähden mummolleni!
2 gorgeous cards!!!!!!
I love the cute images!
Hugs Gisela
2 beautiful cards...very pretty:)
2 lovely cards and such cute images
Hugs Jacqui x
these cards are beautiful...love them x
Yay! She's been bitten by the craft bug! YAY!
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