I made this schedule for Donja. I have torn the edges & chalked them...(once again...*lol*) Colored a Magnolia Tilda, the circles i cut out freehanded...and tore the edges as well, a few rubons here & there, roses & bling. This schedule is in 2 challenges, Simon Says it's back to school & ABC it's C for circles... That's all for today. Have a great day/evning! Hugs
Tein tämän lukujärjestyksen Donjalle. Revin reunat ja chalkkasin kantit...(taas...) Väritin Magnolia tytyn, ympyrät olen leikanut paperista ja repinyt reunat, hieman rubonsia siellä sun täällä, ruusuja & blingiä... Tämä onkin kahteen haasteeseen. Simon Says on kouluaiheinen ja ABC on C = Circles (ympyröitä) siinäpä tämän päivä postaus... Rattoisaa iltaa!
Lite närbilder på diverse godsaker...
A few close-ups on some goodies....
Pari lähikuvaa kaikesta rihkamasta...
Lite cirklar...
Some circles...
Muutama ympyrä...

Jag ÄLSKAR rosor...
I LOVE roses...
Minä RAKASTAN ruusuja...

Bling charm i form av en hund..*så söt!!*
Bling charm, in the shape of a dog..*so cute!!*
Bling riipus, koiran muotoisena...*niin söpö!!*


Glimmermisten är inte sååå glimmrande..*S* Den måste reagera på blixten...
The glimmermist isn't THAT glimmery...must be an effect of the flash
Glimmermisti ei nyt ihan noi vahvasti kimaltele...täytyy olla salaman aiheuttama
8 kommentarer:
Cute card!
Thanks for joining us at the ABC Challenge this week!
Helen x
Wow, så fint! Och så många detaljer allt är perfekt! Ha en trevlig helg, Sari! Kram Nilla
Oh, this is so cute and a great idea! :o) Thanks for being so excited for me today!
Lyxigaste schemat jag nånsin sett! :D
Lovely card :-) the Tilda image is gorgeous and I love all the papers and embellies you used :-)
Thanks for joining the Simon Says Stamp Challenge :-)
Lols and the DT x x
Beautiful page!! I love the colors and distressed edges, your floral corner piece is magnificent!
Thanks so much for entering the Simon Says Stamp Challenge!
Sweet card and such a cute image
thanks for joining us on ABC
Lovely sweet card, beautiful image and details.
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