Hoppas att ni haft en trevlig helg allesammans! Måndag...det betyder en ny utmaning hos Cupcake Craft Challenge Denna vecka är det min tur att hålla i utmaningen! Jag vill att ni använder "struktur" på era alster! Tex; Gesso, 3d lack,akrylfärg mm på era alster! Vad som helst som ger alstret lite struktur! På mitt kort har jag använt Puff velvet pennan, den ger en sån härlig effekt! En stor påfågel charm som hamnade i focus på mitt kort, la lite stickles på vissa delar av fågeln.En massa olika blommor i lila nyanser och på dom har jag duttat mera puffy velvet... Som jag sedan värmt med embossingfönen, för att få den puffiga effekten. Stämplat på kanten Thank you, och klart!Kika in på Cupcake & se vilka härliga kort mina söta DT systrar hat gjort till er inspiration!Vi hat även 2st härliga GDT denna månad, kika på deras alster oxå! Tack för titten & ses snart igen!Ha en underbar dag! Krameli kram!
Good monday morning sweet blogging friends!Hope you all had a wonderful weekend! Monday...That means a new challenge at the fantastic Cupcake Craft Challenge This week, it's my turn to hold the challenge...So i chose " In the deep end...!" That means i want to see some kind of structur on your projects! You can use, gesso, glossy accents, acrylic paint etc....On my card, i used puffy velvet pen. I love the effect you get when you heat it. Then i have a big charm, a peacock in the center of the card. I have added some glitter on the peacocks feathers. Lots of different kinds of flowers in different shades of lilac. On the petals i have added some more puffy velvet. A little thank you sentiment in the corner, and done! Please check out what my DT sisters have created for your inspiration! We also have 2 very talented GDT this month, so go check out what they have made too! More about our sponsor this week, is down under my photos. Thanks for stopping by and see you soon! Hugs and sunshine!
Oikein ihanaa maanantaita! Toivottavasti teidän viikonloppu meni hyvin! Maanantai...Ja se meinaa uutta haastetta Cupcake Craft Challenge jossa tällä kertaa minä pidän haastetta! Tällä kertaa aiheena on "In the deep end!" Elikkä, haluan nähdä "struktuuria" esim. voitte käyttää gessoa, akryylimaalia,glitter snowta tai mitä vaan, mikä antaa hieman "kerrosta" kortteihinne. Minä olen käyttänyt Puffy Velvet kynää korttinireunoihin ja kukkasiin! Kun sen lämmittää niin siitä tulee niin ihana kohonut ja "pöyhistynyt" lopputulos. Iso riikinkukuon charmsin laitoin keskelle ja hiemankimaletta sinne sun tänne! Pieni kiitos leimattu nurkkaan ja valmista. Käykää katsomassa mitä DT siskoni ovat tehneet, todella kauniita kortteja! Meillä on myös 2 GDT joitten kortit ovat todella upeita! Oikein ihanaa päivän jatkoa!
********Sponsor info! *********
This week we have 2 sponsors lined up for you!
We have Digital Delights who are offering 1 lucky winner a $5 Gift Voucher!

Sew Sweet they are offering are 1 lucky winner £10 gift voucher!

So, have fun and good Luck!!
13 kommentarer:
Morning Sunshine. A quickie before the van cmes! So, I added a few depthy type things over at Cupcake, hope that's ok? And I'm loving this truly, stunning, vintagey, very sunshiney piece. Gorgeous. Have a wonderful week. Mwah. xxx
My goodness, how elegant and beautiful, Sari! I just LOVE all those flowers. The peacock is just amazing, too!
This is so so beautiful Sari ! The image is lovely and your display of flowers is stunning ! Such an elegant card ! Hugs, blessings and love from Catherine
Upea määrä kukkia. Kaunis kortti.
Hi Sari, your card is soooo beautiful! As always!! Loving that peacock! Thank you for such a lovely challenge, I would never have done what I did without it, I would have been plainer! But love the added detail so thank you, cos I used some of my stash :) keeleyxx
Sucj a briljant card with a touch of vintage. Gorgeous ! Hugs, marion
Gorgeous and so elegant, Sari! Beautiful embellishments, I love your peacock! Thanks for a great challenge too! Hugs Delphine xx
fab card Sari...those floral bits are fab...I am so rubbish at that!!
Hey Sari, hope you've had a good week sweetie. Thank you for such a lovely theme to play with this week. Your card is beautiful and so elegant and I'm loving the effect of your puffy velvet pen, it gives such an amazing effect :) Donna ♥ x
Hi Sari! I just love your theme this week, and a fabulous creation you've made too! I love your vintage style! Take care, Shelly x
Wow this is so very beautiful:)
Have a great weekend!
Hugzz Val xx
Hi Sari, I popped by to look at your Cupcake card this week, and it's not here. Hope all is ok with you lovely? keeleyxx
Sari Moikka!
Otatko yhteyttä, että kaikki on ok?
terkuin Sande xx
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