Happy monday to you all! I hope your weekend was a good one! We had a nice and calm one, untill yesterday... I promise you, i have been to so many different stores... Our oven broke... And finding one in the same size is a challenge...Since ours is a little larger than the usual ones... Then it was my lovely MIL's birthday so we went flower shopping and got some realy tasty food & cake...Yummy!!
Since it's a new monday, that means a brand new challenge over at Cupcake Craft Challenge This week, it's our sweet Keeley that has chosen the theme.... Sew Box! You have to have something you can find in a sewing box on your card/project.
On my card i used som lace,pins and an old button. This week we have 2 sponsors for you! More about them you can read below! Please go and check out what y DT sisters have made for your inspiration!
Well, i have to get some work done! Have a wonderful day! Hugs and sunshine!
Heippa ystävät!
Mites teidän viikonloppu meni? Toivottavasti teillä oli mukava viikonloppu! Meillä oli lauantai ihanan rauhallinen...Mutta eilinen sitä kiireisempi... Meidän uunin lasi levy meni rikki ja me juostiin monessa kaupassa... Mutta missään ei ole sen kokoista levyä...Pitää tilata saksasta... Sitten oli myös anopin synttärit eilen, joten käytiin ostamassa kauniita kukkasia, ja saatiin ihanaa ruokaa ja tosi hyvää kakkua....
Nytten on taas uusi maanantai ja se meinaa uutta haastetta Cupcake Craft Challenge Tällä viikolla meidän suloinen Keeley on valinnut teeman ja se on Sew Box. Elikkä kortissanne pitää olla jotain mitä voisi löytää ompelu laatikosta.
Minun kortissani on pitsiä, neula sekä vanha nappi.
Tällä viikolla meillä on 2 sponsoria teille...Lisää niistä on alempa! Käykää kurkkaamassa miten mahtavia kortteja DT sisarrukseni ovat tehneet! Kiitos kun piipahdit ja oikein mukavaa maanantaita!
Cuddly Bear are offering £10 to one winner this week!Simon Says Stamp is our monthly sponsor and are offering 1 lucky winner $20 gift voucher!
7 kommentarer:
fab card Sari...love the the pins and diamante swirl.
Aivan ihana kortti!
Sounds like you had quite the busy weekend, my friend! Some hectic and some lovely.....thank goodness there was some lovely mixed in. Your card is adorable! Love the sewing bits you've added. So girly and pretty!
Gorgeous card, Sari! The embellishments are so beautiful, I love it! Have a lovely evening! Hugs Delphine xx
Hey gorgeous girl, your card is amazing and I love your beautiful added detail, so pretty and so elegant...big hugs sweetie :) Donna ♥ x
Hi Sari... your card is so pretty, I love the gem swirl! Hope you found an oven! Hugs Shelly x
Hi Sari your card is sooo beautiful. Love all the detail. Hope you managed to find a new oven ok! keeleyxx
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