Greetings from a rainy Stockholm! It's saturday and chaos as usual at our home...*lol* As you probably have noticed, i'm addicted to challenges...And once again, i found a new challenge blog, Tuesday Triggers at Moxie Fab World. They have this great challenge on tuesdays, They have a great picture to inspire you. When i saw this picture, i was inspired the colors, the feeling of sea.. you could say... The glas"bubbles" remind me of bubbles in the water, pearls from the sea, and ofcourse seashells... The colors of sand & water, and a cute little letter in a bottle completes it. I'm pretty happy with this card...It reminds me of the last days of summer by the sea...So, that's what i came up. I hope you all have a great saturday! Thanks for stopping by!
Terveisiä sateisesta Tukholmasta!On lauantai ja täysi vauhti päällä talossa..=) Kuten varmaan oilette huomanneet...Olen taas haasteissa kiinni... Löysin taas uuden haaste sivun: Tuesday Triggers joka on Moxie Fab World blogissa. Käy kurkkaamassa! Kummiskin siellä on ihana valokuva tällä viikolla inspiroimassa... Minä tein meri teemaisen kortin... Lasihelmet muistuttavat kuplia vedessä, simpukoita & helmiähän sieltä kanssa löytyy... Paperit ovar hiekan ja veden värisiä ja pieni pulloposti sopi mainiosti! Jotenkin tämä kortti tuo mieleen kesän viimeiset rantapäivät meren äärellä...=) Olenkin aika tyytyväinen tähän korttiin...=) Oikein mukavaa lauantaita kaikille! Kiitos kun piipahdit käymässä!
*****Picture from Country Living, Delicate Accessories *****

*******Mitt kort/ My Card/ Minun Korttini******
****Närbilder/ Closeups/ Lähikuvia****
12 kommentarer:
Oh! Vilket underbart kort, färger och detaljer var helt sagolika!!!
This is stunning, I so love that message bottle, what a creative idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello! By the way, I love your bird house too!
This is stunning, I so love that message bottle, what a creative idea! Thanks for stopping by my blog to say hello! By the way, I love your bird house too!
As always...I love your work!
Beautiful card with great detail!
Beautiful you did a nice job thanks for sharing!!
Hi Sari, this card is absolutely stunning, there are so many unique and wonderful elements, I love it.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and leaving your lovely comment about my card, I appreciate it.
Hugs and happiness to you,
Ihana merellinen kortti!
Upea, ihanat yksityiskohdat, tykkään kympillä;-))m
WAU!!!! Todella upea kortti!! Ihania yksityiskohtia, taideteos!! =)
This is Stunning! LOVE the detail!!
Hey Sari! What a pretty approach to this week's Tuesday Trigger in the Moxie Fab World! Thanks so much for playing along! :)
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