Det blir ett kort inlägg idag, då jag har lyckats dra på mig en underbar förkylning...*trött* Tänkte bara lägga upp dett kort till TSTR utmaning, då den går ut imorgon.Även denna vecka är det ett vackert foto (The delicate rose cottage) som fungerar som inspiration! Även om jag tycker att stilen är väldigt söt, så skulle jag ärligt talat bli galen i ett sånt rum..*S* Nog om det..Kortet går is amma tema, rosor,rosa,rivna kanter & chalk..Pappret är från Prima & passande nog heter just shabby chic....*S* Ha en toppen söndag!
Klicka på rubriken, så kommer du till TSTR sida!
A short posting today...I have managed to get the flue also..*lol* But i had to post this, since time is running out! This card is for TSTR where this week there's a gorgeous picture to be inspired by. (The delicate rose cottage)I do love the picture & style, but honestly...I don't think i could live in a room like that. *lol* So i made the card with the same kind of theme, lots of roses & pink..very girly. The paper i used is from Prima & called shabby chic.. Have a great sunday!
By clicking the topic, you'll get to TSTR!
Lyhyt postaus tänään, sillä olen onnistunut saamaan ihanan flunssankin... On vain pakko laitta esille, sillä aika haasteeseen menee umpeen kohta... Tämä kortti on TSTR haasteeseen jossa on ihana kuva josta voi ottaa inspistä.(The delicate rose cottage) Kuva on todella kaunis, mutta luultavasti tulisin hulluksi jos joutuis asumaan ihan noin kukikkaassa huoneessa...=) Kortissa on paljon ruusuja, revityt & chalkatut reunat. Paperi on Primalta ja nimeltään sopivasti Shabby chic...=) Oikein mukavaa sunnuntaita!
Painamalla otsikkoa pääset TSTR sivuille!
TSTR picture

Mitt kort/ My card/ Minun korttini
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5 kommentarer:
Oh, wow! That is absolutely lovely!
Oh so pretty ... I love the dress made with roses!! Thanks for sharing with us in the Tea Room this week :)
OH very pretty! I just love those mini roses by Prima, and your paper is jsut gorgeous! Thanks for playing along this week in the Tea Room!
Very pretty! Love the roses! Thanks for playing along with us at TSTR! :)
Wow, the detailing on that dress is just amazing. Love, love all the flowers on there. Thanks for sharing this with us at TSTR and get better soon.
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